Wisconsin Lioness Club -  We Serve Too

Cobb Lioness (D1)

Cobb, WI  53526

Club Information

Cobb Lioness Club was chartered on 1988

Membership meeting is the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7pm at the Cobb

Community Center, 404 Motel St.  September thru May (No January meeting)


Major club activities include, but are not limited to: 

  1. Annual Pancake Breakfast (January)
  2. Village Easter Activities (March/April)
  3. Bloomfield Balloon Fest (June)
  4. Dairyland Dare (August)
  5. Rewey Fireworks (July)
  6. Village Halloween Activities (October)


for more information, please contact Sue C at cobblionessclub at yahoo.com (link removed to prevent spaming)