Wisconsin Lioness Club -  We Serve Too

Greenville Lioness (B2)

Greenville, WI  54942

Club Information

Greenville Lioness Club was chartered January 4, 1977. Membership meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month beginning with at 6:30 p.m. at various locations. Board meetings are held on the third Monday of each month beginning at 6:30 p.m. at various locations as well.
Do you want to have fun, make new friends and help your community?
Come to our meeting and get to know our friendly members.
MONTHLY MEMBERS MEETING: consists of cocktails and dinner followed by a Guest Speaker or Group Activity, such as topics on health or safety, making fleece blankets for cancer treatment patients and trip to Lions Camp.
We actively show our commitment to the motto "WE SERVE TOO".
July/August - Greenville Catfish Races (joint fund-raising event with Greenville Lions Club)
October, 1st Sunday - Greenville Fall Fair
February - Greenville Fresh Pizza Sales
December - Caroling & Gift Baskets to Shut-Ins and Nursing Homes/Care Centers
Summer - Family Movie Night - weekly movie & food for all families at Greenville Lions Park
Other – Hearing & Eye; Diabetes
LOCAL SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS - Greenville Firefighters, Greenville First Responders, local Boy Scouts, Civic Club, Field of Dreams, Youth Sports, Valley Mounted Volunteers, Wolf Rive K-9, Greenville Manor and Greenville YMCA
EDUCATION - support for 5th graders in Babysitting Clinic, Badger Girls, First Book, Libraries - Greenville Elementary, Greenville Middle School, Immanuel Greenville, St Mary’s Greenville, Youth Exchange and Scholarships (Local High Schools and Colleges)
NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS – Community Closet, Diabetes Foundation, Food Pantry, Harbor House, Humane Society, Red Cross, Salvation Army and Community Blood Center
Come visit us on FACEBOOK under 'Greenville Lioness' or IN PERSON by contacting Laurie Rudd or any of our lioness members or via emailing GreenvilleLioness at new.rr.com (link removed to prevent spamming)